350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №2 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Estimation open-frame structural strength of microelectromechanical systems
P.I. Didik, A.A. Zhukov
The method of assessing structural strength unpackaged MEMS devices. Methodology includes an assessment of structural strength, using a physical model, modeling and identification of "weak" points structure under the action of external factors in CAD ANSYS. In particular, the concrete example of model has been considered and are counted it strength characteristics. As a result of modeling and a settlement estimation of durability of a design it is established that designs are vibro - and shock-resistant. As a result of calculations have been received frequency of free fluctuations for the basic tone and frequency of free fluctuations for the second form of fluctuations which exceed limiting frequency of 5000 Hz that testifies to absence of a resonance. The admissible overload unpackaged МЭМС which exceeds the limiting set loading is calculated. From the analysis of the received data of modeling in the environment of ANSYS it is defined that the chosen design has the most unreliable connection in a place of contact of a contact platform of a crystal and the tire-conclusion. The design by an estimation maintains pressure 109 Pa and doesn't enter into a resonance on a range of external influencing frequencies of 0-5000 Hz
Pages: 19-24
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