350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №10 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Mechanism limits the current flow in a finely crystalline layers ncdte: in up of current instability
V.V. Sorochan
Reveal the mechanisms limiting the current flow in the samples of planar structure In-nCdTe: In-In and a sandwich - In-nCdTe: In-SnO2 structure to the development of current instability in them. It is established that the current-voltage characteristics of the samples In-nCdTe: In-In due to the existence of layers nCdTe: In intercrystalline potential barriers that limit their conductivity. Based on studies of current-voltage characteristics of thin-film sandwich - structures In-nCdTe: In-SnO2 found that before the development of current instability transfer of charge carriers in electric fields E> 102 V  / cm is limited by space charge injected from the contact In-trap levels and captured of electrons.
Pages: 75-79
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