350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №1 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Mathematical model of refusal of the semispace weakened by a circular cylindrical cavity for porous environments with difficult relogy of the compressed skeleton
D.V. Gotsev
The mathematical model describing an is intense-deformed condition of porous semispace, being under the influence of a homogeneous gravitational field, near to a circular cylindrical cavity is constructed. Thus the behaviour of the compressed skeleton was described by model of environment with difficult реологическими properties - elastic-is viscous-plastic. Process of deformation of a porous material near to a vertical cavity was divided into two interconnected stages. The first - elastic deformation of the compressed porous environment, the second - not elastic deformation of the com-pressed skeleton with elastic-is viscous-plastic properties. Therefore external loading was represented in the form of the sum of two composed, one of which defined loading necessary for full compression of a time, another - loading for which account there was a further deformation of system. On the basis of the found basic condition within the limits of the exact three-dimensional equations of stability at acceptance of the concept of Shenli stability of the basic equilibrium state of infinite semispace (for a case of the compressed skeleton), weakened by a circular vertical cylindrical cavity is investigated. The estimation of influence on size of critical pressure of physicomechanical parametres of a material and the geometrical sizes of a design is given.
Pages: 19-27
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