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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №1 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
About role of the size effects on forming phase transitions features in heterogeneous ferroelectric systems
V.N. Nechaev, A.V. Shuba, A.V. Viskovatych
On the base principles based Landau-Devonshire theory using variation the functional of thermodynamical potential have been derived a full system of equation, which determine the second-order phase transition in ferroelectric segregation of ellipsoid form, prolate along the polar axis and including in dielectric matrix. The phase transition temperature dependences from granula sizes and form segregation has been defined to solve this system of finite element method for a few lattice parameter size and case of a strong interaction one with matrix. The influence of own electric field on the phase transition has been shown, which able to substantially reduce the phase transition temperature up to full disappear of polar state. It has been determined that nonlinearity contribution of thermodynamical potential decomposition be able to substantial influence on the phase transition temperature and it has commensurable with the contribution of own electric field for a few lattice parameter sample size. The results of this paper make use for interpretation of smeared phase transition materials properties and for modeling the nanocom-posites properties.
Pages: 10-14
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