350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №5 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Internationalization of higher education as a factor of acceleration of cross-border knowledge and technology exchange in the world economy
V.N. Kirillov, V.I. Ivanova
It is common knowledge, that internationalization has a profound effect on today's political, economic and cultural life. This wide-ranging process also has a major impact on institutions of higher education. Universities are highly sensitive to international developments and they contribute to the internationalization of key areas in society. In fact, the increasingly international character of higher education means that universities have to work together to help shape the worldwide "knowledge-based society" and promote scientific exchanges, cross-border knowledge and technology exchange in the world economy. Consequently, internationalization must be observed at a number of levels in higher education. Cross-border mobility has existed ever since the first colleges and universities were founded in the Middle Ages. This phenomenon ranges from the wandering medieval scholars of days gone by to futuristic visions of internationally networked students. Nevertheless, the importance and context of the internationalization of higher education has changed radically over the centuries. Actually, internationalization has always been part of the very essence of science in Europe, USA, Australia and Japan, yet it is currently influenced by the process of globalization of the world economy. Moreover, worldwide information systems, communications technologies, free trade, and the free movement of skilled workers and professionals are the hallmarks of globalized activities. As global players, institutions of higher learning help to shape this process and, at the same time, are influenced by it and have to adapt their structures accordingly. Thus, the key to success in XXI century is to develop a strategy for building the Russian higher education system export capacity which will help its institutions to gain access to a wider range of international markets, assure the quality of education and training services provision in order to improve the internationalization of the higher education and develop innovative technologies.
Pages: 57-64
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