350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №3 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
On improvement of technologies of tourist sector of economics on the base of mathematical modelling
O. V. Druzhinina, I. E. Kazakova , E. S. Pershina, S.V. Daragan
The article is devoted of mathematical methods of investigation of models of tourist sector of economics. Indicated methods are directed on improvement of technologies of tourist industry. There was fulfilled qualitative and numerical investigation of model with regard to both economical efficiency and available negative influence of touring on ecological situation of region. The phase variables of model are number of tourists x(t) visiting the region, service expenditures y(t) and pollution z(t) of environment caused by functioning of tourist system. The main methods of investigations were the methods of theory of optimal control and theory of differential equations. The cyclic character of dynamics of model under consideration is analyzed. The bifurcation analysis is fulfilled and phase portrait is constructed. The questions of existence and stability of limit cycles are considered.
Pages: 58-66
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