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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №9 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
O. A. Malygina
Modern certified specialists, bachelor's and master's degree graduates have to be able to use valuable professional knowledge, skills and to get familiar with new types of activities which not included into the program of obtained education. Higher school have to guarantee to students the formation possibilities independent studying. Students have to independent assimilate on the base of obtained education changes in professional field and, if it is necessary, to assimilate new profession, to know regularities of construction of own research activities. There is exist contradiction between increasing requirements of modern society in training mobile competent specialists, bachelor's, master's degree graduates and insufficiently effective ways, means, methods of satisfaction such requirements by system of education. In this connection it is picked out actual problem - the problem formation of professional mobility for certified specialists of higher school. Preparing of the mobile competent specialists, bachelor's, master's degree graduates is considered today as one of purposes of higher education. It is developed scientific-and-methodical concept which can guarantee achievement of this purpose in the course of training stu-dents studying high-tech engineering disciplines on the base of technical universities. As an object data it is considered higher mathematics. This selection permits to begin the process of professional mobility for students in the first year. Instrument of higher mathematics is powerful means of investigation for high technology disciplines. Mathematical methods and mathematical modelling permit to solve complicated problems in different fields of science and technology. High possibilities are discovered in the process of study higher mathematics for formation not only mathematical, but also methodological knowledge and skills, for formation ability to investigate new problems independently and to solve applied problems. Theoretical foundations for the concept of formation professional mobility for certified specialists of technical university are based on the theory activities of training and methodology of system researches. The starting point is investigation the concept "professional mobility" as definite type activities of subject. From such position it is possible to put into practice the process of training higher mathematics on the base of new principles which guarantee achievement of formulated purpose.
Pages: 69-74
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