350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №6 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
V.A. Zlobin, V.M. Tkachenko
One of the priorities for the implementation of administrative reform in the Russian Federation is the improvement of the delivery of public services, improving access to and transfer in electronic form. Facilitating access to public services, the reorientation of public services to the end user requires the transition to the provision of public services in electronic form, in part - online, using a common interface, and perhaps even a single point of entry for users. According to the results of a comparative analysis of e-government European Commission and EU member countries established a list of 15 basic public services generally provided to users electronically. There are basic steps to be automated in the delivery of public services, identify the appropriate levels of maturity of providing government services online: to inform, one\bidirectional interaction (provision of forms of public services), transaction interface (payment), personalization (user services can store your files online, change your settings, follow the process of providing services). The analysis of characteristics of the implementation of electronic government services for every level of maturity and identifies prospects for the development of electronic public services
Pages: 55-59
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