N.V. Tsipina1, N.E. Samoilenko2, D.R. Voronin3, K.D. Tsipina4
1-4 FSBEI of HE “Voronezh State Technical University” (Voronezh, Russia)
1 tcnv@mail.ru; 2 ju.i@mail.ru; 3 brk19frte6@gmail.com, 4 ksutsipina@mail.ru
Formulation of the problem. The objective of optimising the thermal regime arises in the design of modern devices with multilayer printed circuit boards. Modern methods of PCB cooling, such as, for example, the array of thermal vias allow to increase the efficiency of heat exchange. To improve the efficiency of the thermal vias array it is necessary to perform multi-criteria optimisation of the array parameters.
Purpose. Consider modern software tools for modelling multilayer printed circuit boards. Carry out numerical modelling of the thermal regime of the printed circuit board. To develop a methodology for improving the heat exchange of multilayer printed circuit boards on the basis of selecting the most optimal parameters of the array of thermal vias.
Results. A methodology for selecting the most optimal parameters of the thermal vias array to improve heat exchange of multilayer printed circuit boards is presented. The analysis of modern modelling systems of multilayer printed circuit boards is carried out. The results of numerical modelling are given.
Practical significance. The results of the study can be used to select software for modelling multilayer printed circuit boards, increase the efficiency of heat transfer and improve the performance of devices with multilayer printed circuit boards due to the optimal choice of parameters of thermal vias.
Tsipina N.V., Samoilenko N.E., Voronin D.R., Tsipina K.D. Methodology for improving the cooling efficiency of multi-layer printed circuit boards using an array of thermal vias. Radiotekhnika. 2024. V. 88. № 8. P. 161−169. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202408-16 (In Russian)
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