V.V. Akhiyarov1
1 JSC «SPC «SRI of Long-Distance Radio Communications» (Moscow, Russia)
1 vakhiyarov@gmail.com
Currently, composite materials based on metal gratings with a period D much smaller than the wavelength l are widely used. With the use of such materials, it is possible to control the amplitude, phase and polarization of an electromagnetic wave, which opens wide possibilities for the creation of new types of antennas, radio-absorbing coatings, etc. This paper considers gratings of metallic strip or patches on the surface of a thin metal-backed dielectric slab to control the phase of the reflected wave. In the quasi-static approximation, the input impedance of such materials can be calculated using simple analytical formulas.
This paper investigates the accuracy of the quasi-static approximation at different angles of incidence of the electromagnetic wave on two-dimensional gratings. Using the equivalent circuits method, analytical expressions for the input impedance of metasurfaces are obtained. The dispersion properties of composite materials “inductive or capacitive grating on the surface of a thin metal-backed dielectric slab” are investigated, and a technique for determining the resonant frequency, which corresponds to the maximum of the input impedance of the metasurface, is presented.
The obtained results show that at any angle of incidence, it is possible to evaluate the condition of the quasi-static approximation applicability for two-dimensional gratings and for metasurfaces based on such gratings. If this condition is satisfied, that simple analytical expressions can be used to calculate the input impedance. The use of these expressions allows us to determine the frequency at which the input impedance reaches its maximum.
It is established that for inductive and capacitive gratings the impedance boundary condition of M.A. Leontovich is equivalent to the averaged boundary condition of M.I. Kontorovich. It is obtained that for grating in free space, quasi-static approximation corresponds to the M.A. Leontovich impedance condition.
The dispersion properties of composite materials “inductive or capacitive grating on a thin metal-backed dielectric slab” are investigated. It is shown that the phase transition of the reflection coefficient through zero occurs at maximum values of the input impedance.
Using the considered method of equivalent circuits, the presented results can be easily generalized to any type of multilayer metasurfaces.
Akhiyarov V.V. Analysis of two-dimensional planar gratings and metasurfaces in the quasi-static approximation. Radiotekhnika. 2024. V. 88. № 7. P. 143−158. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202406-25 (In Russian)
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