E.V. Kalyabin1
1 JSC “CNIRTI named after academician A.I. Berg” (Moscow, Russia)
1 post@cnirti.ru
Problem statement. Electromagnetic spectrum control (EMC) plays an important role in conflict radar. The EMS operational area has unique characteristics that can be used to gain superiority over the enemy. The use of advanced developments in cognitive electronic warfare (CRAB) makes it possible to achieve a dominant position in the use of EMS. The combination of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies with advanced electronic warfare (EW) technologies has made it possible to take an important step in ensuring maneuverable operations in a duel situation aircraft (LA) – radar station (radar). The presented approach demonstrates the increased efficiency of the CRE due to the use of the threat assessment and interference distribution method (SDR).
Goal. The purpose of the article is to show how modern technologies provide a noise distribution strategy that allows aircraft to survive in a dueling situation, despite its complexity.
Results. It is shown that the ESD method uses various radar jamming modes, such as: interaction between types and sources of jamming, relative frequency and bandwidth, uncertainty of the threatening environment, and also models the evaluation of radar effectiveness from search to guidance.
Practical significance. The article confirms that the conflict radar scenario, which takes into account threat assessments for aircraft and determines the distribution of interference for radar, allows us to determine the optimal interference strategy.
Kalyabin E.V. The method of threat assessment and interference distribution within the framework of cognitive electronic warfare. Radiotekhnika. 2024. V. 88. № 10. P. 148−160. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202410-16 (In Russian)
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