A.A. Maltsev1, I.A. Maltsev2, Z.R. ldiatullov3
1,3 Kazan National Research Technical University named after. A.N. Tupolev (Kazan, Russia)
2 Inkomsystem (Kazan, Russia)
1 malcev_@mail.ru; 2 stronghold1655@yandex.ru; 3 zridiatullov@prof.kai.ru
Now days, due to the trend towards reducing energy costs, non-destructive input monitoring of various characteristics of LEDs is becoming one of the promising areas for research. From the technical side, the optimal option can be considered 100% control of all products according to all characteristics. However, at the same time, economic costs increase, leading to an increase in the price of LED technology products. An additional obstacle to testing modern LEDs is the lack of markings on the component, which makes it impossible to visually separate high-quality LEDs from well-known brands from counterfeit components. The aim is the selection of the optimal set of parameters according to their technological spread for monitoring the quality and reliability of LEDs based on an analysis of their electrical, light and thermal characteristics. Based on the experimental results, a limited set of parameters of LEDs was determined based on the analysis of their electrical, light and thermal characteristics, the use of which can be used in their express diagnostics, which allows reducing economic costs during production and control, and time costs during the rejection procedure by ourselves developer. It is shown that the most informative for predicting quality and reliability are light and thermal characteristics.
Maltsev A.A., Maltsev I.A., ldiatullov Z.R. An optimal set of led characteristics to ensure their reliability and quality. Radiotekhnika. 2024. V. 88. № 1. P. 86−91. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202401-08 (In Russian)
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