V.V. Afanasyev1, S.S. Loginov2
1,2 Kazan National Research Technical University n.a. A.N. Tupolev – KAI (Kazan, Russia)
1 nsdx@yandex.ru; 2 sslogin@mail.ru
Problem statement. The article is devoted to determining the comparative energy efficiency of stabilizing quasi-resonant and inertial effects on the parameters of a controlled discrete-nonlinear Lorentz system with dynamic chaos. Currently, information transmission systems based on the use of chaotic dynamics effects are developing extremely intensively. The need to ensure reproducibility of parameters and statistical characteristics of pseudorandom signals generated on the basis of nonlinear systems with dynamic chaos makes the task of stabilizing chaotic modes of nonlinear devices and systems urgent.
Goal. Determination of the comparative energy efficiency of stabilizing quasi-resonant and inertial effects on the parameters of a controlled discrete-nonlinear Lorentz system with dynamic chaos.
Results. It is shown that fluctuations causing deviations of the discrete-nonlinear Lorentz system from equilibrium states lead to changes in the quasi-resonant frequency and the effectiveness of inertial stabilizing effects. It is established that the effectiveness of stabilizing inertial effects on parameter b of a controlled discrete-nonlinear Lorentz system increases with an increase in the fluctuation deviation of the system from equilibrium states. The conditions under which stabilizing inertial effects become energetically more advantageous than quasi-stationary effects on the parameters of a discrete-nonlinear system are determined.
Practical significance. Ensuring the required regular behavior with the transfer of nonlinear electronic and quantum devices and systems from stochastic to regular mode.
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