M.L. Artemov1, O.V. Afanasev2, M.P. Slichenko3, O.N. Zavalishina4
1-4 JSC «Concern «Sozvezdie» (Voronezh, Russia)
In real conditions, the functioning of multichannel detector-direction finders is significantly affected by changes in the directivity characteristics of the antenna system, due both to the conditions of propagation and re-reflection of radio waves in the immediate vicinity of the locations of the detector-direction finders, and to various destabilizing fluctuations in the characteristics of the antenna system, which in turn. As a result, it leads to a decrease in the accuracy and reliability of direction finding of radio emission sources. This requires the development of specialized approaches that allow taking into account changes in the directivity characteristics of the antenna system during the operation of the direction finder.
The purpose of the work is to develop and analyze a method for direction finding of radio emission sources with parameterization of the directivity characteristics of the antenna system, which allows, by taking into account changes in the directivity characteristics of the direction finder antenna system, to increase the accuracy and reliability of the direction finding results.
A method for direction finding of sources of radio emission with parameterization of the directivity characteristics of the antenna system is proposed, based on the use of information about changes in the parameters of the antenna system in real conditions due to the parameterization of the characteristics of the antenna system and the transition from the original problem of direction finding to the problem of joint estimation of the bearing and the vector of unknown parameters of the vector complex antenna system radiation patterns. An example of numerical optimization of the multidimensional decisive function of direction finding and the results of estimation of the achieved increase in the accuracy and reliability of direction finding are given.
The implementation of the proposed method makes it possible to take into account previously unused (but contained in the observed data) information about changes in the parameters of the antenna system and provides an increase in the accuracy and reliability of direction finding in real conditions. The method makes it possible to implement dynamic self-adaptation of the detector-direction finders to changes in the characteristics of the antenna system in the direction of increasing the accuracy and reliability of the detector-direction finder results.
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