B.A. Levitan1, M.A. Murzova2, S.A. Topchiev3, V.E. Farber4
1-4 PJSC Radiofizika (Moscow, Russia)
1,4 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University) (Dolgoprudny, Russia)
1 Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (Moscow, Russia)
A sustainable tracking of space objects could be divided onto two sub trajectories: above atmosphere and “through” the atmosphere. These space objects are detected by chirp radar. Usage of linear frequency modulated signals results in so-called range-Doppler coupling, which yields a displacement of measured position from a true range of moving space objects. In this work trajectory of the above atmospheric flight is considered with a polynomial model where radial distance and velocity are detected and used in the filtering processes. In the above atmosphere part of trajectory a high order coefficients are defined by equations of motion of the space object. While on the atmosphere part of tajectory a ballistic coefficient or radial acceleration is included into estimated parameters. The estimations of range and velocity of the space object obtained by above-atmospheric filter are used to determine an initial condition for the atmospheric filter. Since the filtering algorithm becomes more complicated, it is necessary to determine a criterion of re-entering into the atmosphere. A transition to object tracking in the atmosphere happens at some height if a residual of the above-atmospheric filter exceeds the standart deviation of the estimate multiplied by the fraction coefficient. The residual of the above-atmospheric filter consists of coordinates describing the atmospheric component of motion. The atmospheric component of range is used in the criterion. Here, it is shown that a more accurate determination of the analytical height is obtained by reducing the estimate variance of the atmospheric range component due to the range-Doppler coupling coefficient. Also this theoretical criterion of reentering the atmosphere of space objects is verified by simulation.
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