S.F. Atkishkin1
1 JSC «Scientific Research Institute «EKRAN» (Samara, Russia)
1 mail@niiekran.ru, p4r4n014c@yandex.ru
Performance characteristics of radar warning receivers and electronic reconnaissance receivers are depends on chosen microwave frequency measurement method. Recently [1, 2] combination of instantaneous frequency measurement method with preliminary frequency multiplication method is proposed which finds application in phase shift measurement [3]. At moment it is lacking of detailed comparison of instantaneous frequency measurement method with and without frequency multiplication.
The article goal is comparison of instantaneous frequency measurement methods with and without preliminary frequency multiplication. Two receivers using instantaneous frequency measurement method with and without frequency multiplication are manufactured and experimentally investigated. Receiver experimental transfer characteristic is presented. Experimental frequency measurement static and dynamic errors are estimated and compared.
Two microwave frequency measurement methods are experimentally compared. First method is well-known instantaneous frequency measurement method. Second method is instantaneous frequency measurement method with preliminary frequency multiplication. Receiver experimental transfer characteristic is derived. Experimental static and dynamic frequency measurement are estimated and compared. It is showed that preliminary frequency multiplication decreases the unambiguous frequency measurement range. It is experimentally showed that preliminary frequency multiplication decreases frequency measurement static error even at lower signal/noise ratio. It is also showed that preliminary frequency multiplication increases frequency measurement dynamic error.
Atkishkin S.F. Experimental investigation of interferometry based instantaneous frequency measurement receiver with frequency multiplication. Radioengineering. 2023. V. 87. № 11. P. 74−80. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202311-12 (in Russian)
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