S.P. Barinov1, Y.I. Maevskii2
1 JSC «KNIRTI» (Zhukov of Kaluga Region, Russia)
2 JSC «KRET» (Moscow, Russia)
1 knirti@obninsk.com
One of the distinctive features of the spaced-diversity radar systems (RS) designed on network structure principle is their ability to operate with both signal reflected from the threat and jamming signal generated by the threat. Besides, separate radar systems included to the RS can operate with complex radar signals with carrier frequency agility from pulse to pulse in a wide band. Electronic environment, that specifies the conditions of RS operation, is generally defined by the presence of active noise generated by group targets for beam pattern of both main and side lobes of system receiving components. Along with this, when one of RS’s component detects any of targets using reflected signal or interference angular direction, the signal integration time for the given direction is incremented that results in the detection of the other threats from the group. It is reasonable to highlight two main algorithms of a radar system functioning, as follows: A1 algorithm – intercomponent coherent correlation processing of signals and interference, specifying capabilities of RS to detect target jammers; A2 algorithm – independent operation of receiving components followed by combining of results of decisions on target presence/absence, appropriate to the occasion when RS’s intercomponent information channels are disrupted and optimal correlation processing of signals and interference cannot be implemented.
The purpose of the article is comparative evaluation of networked RS detection characteristics when system elements with pulse to pulse frequency agility operates under conditions of frequency barrage jamming and narrowband noise and different algorithms of radar data processing (A1, A2). We choose a probability of target undetection for both reflected signal and jamming signal as a quality factor of RS performance in interference environment.
We made calculation and found that the RS with coherent correlation processing of signals and interference (A1 algorithm) during operation with pulse to pulse frequency agility has a higher operational conflict stability compared to the system with independent receiving components (A2 algorithm) and its profit in the probability of target undetection (for both reflected signal and jamming signal) is 35…40% when vary the number of jammers operating against main lobe receiving components from 1 to 8. A clear-cut extremum is the feature of the dependence of target undetection probability on ratio of power of interference generated against main lobe of RS receiving components for A1 and A2 algorithms when elements of the system operate with pulse to pulse frequency agility in environment of wideband interference with narrowband component. Here, the difference between optimum values of power of the interference generated against main lobes of beam pattern of RS receiving components providing the maximum of target undetection probability for A1 and A2 algorithms is within 1…2 dB. Deviation from optimum value of interference power generated against main lobes of beam pattern of RS receiving components results in decrease of maximum value of target undetection probability, which value is defined by the level of interference in the side lobes of beam pattern of the system’s receiving components. Advantages of RS with correlation processing of signals and interference are countered by generation of noise jamming with narrowband component which level is selected such that it at least 4 times exceeds the level of wideband interference.
Barinov S.P., Maevskii Y.I. Analysis of characteristics of networked radar system detection when operate with pulse to pulse frequency agility. Radioengineering. 2023. V. 87. № 11. P. 7−12. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202311-02 (in Russian)
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