A.V. Bogoslovsky1, E.N. Afanasyev2, I.V. Zhigulina3
1−3 MESC AF «N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh, Russia)
In signal recovery, the phase is of great importance. The absence of a detailed study of the phase spectrum is caused by the phase recovering ambiguity and its high sensitivity to small changes in the video signal. The article is aimed at researching the impact of the signals' properties on their phase-frequency spectrums’ structure.
In the paper, the detailed formation of the rectangular video pulse’s phase-frequency spectrum is examined. Periods of the phase-frequency spectrum on a frequency half-axis are determined. It is shown that separately period is not dependent on the pulse’s length and delay but is defined only by their ratio. It is proposed that dimensionless values are used to describe the phase-frequency spectrum. It is suggested to be convenient to use half the pulse duration for normalizing frequency and time variables. The impact of the frequency range length on signal recovery in the Fourier inverse transform is reviewed. It is shown that corresponding side lobes values of the recovered signal are equal at the starting point in time if the signals have an identical ratio of the pulse’s length to its delay, and the length of the frequency recovery is the same.
Pulse families that have the same phase-frequency spectrum in dependence on the dimensionless frequency are identified. The results obtained can be used in the restoration, detection, and encoding of signals.
Bogoslovsky A.V., Afanasyev E.N., Zhigulina I.V. Accounting for the impact of the phase-frequency spectrum in signal analysis. Radiotekhnika. 2022. V. 86. № 8. P. 51−59. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202208-06 (In Russian)
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