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Journal Radioengineering №1 for 2022 г.
Article in number:
Identification of peak-phase portraits of radiosignals of a source of radio-frequency radiation by the multichannel system of radiomonitoring
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202201-15
UDC: 621.3.037.37

M.L. Artemov1, M.P. Slichenko2

1−2 JSC «Concern «Sozvezdie» (Voronez, Russia)


Direction finding of sources of radio-frequency radiation is enough difficult procedure in the computing relation, largely defining speed of functioning of a multichannel system of radio monitoring. With conservation of parametres of efficiency of radio monitoring in multi-purpose circumstances it is necessary to develop the specialised approach for raise of speed of direction finding on decrease in computing expenses. 

Unlike modern principles of direction finding of signals in each observation, the new principle based on formation of a peak-phase portrait of signals of sources of radio-frequency radiation and procedure of identification of portraits in a time on the basis of a fitting to one source is offered. At the heart of the observed procedure of identification of signals methods of the theory of a pattern recognition lie, and procedure has the remote analogue from area of cognitive abilities of the person - cognizances of the data and processes by a brain of the person in the course of its ability to live.

The offered principle of identification of peak-phase portraits of radiosignals of a source of radio-frequency radiation allows to lower computing expenses for direction finding of the source which is switching on procedures of formation of readout пеленгационного of a landform and its numerical optimisation. Thanks to that the peak-phase portrait contains the full information on peak and phase relationships of an accepted signal in the space channels of an detection-direction finder, application of the offered principle in radio monitoring systems allows not only to raise their speed, but also allows to realise (potentially) without a decline of accuracy of direction finding accumulation of portraits of signals with proportional to duration of a series raise of the relation a signal/noise.

The offered rule of accumulation of peak-phase portraits does not assume increase in due course volume of the kept data, and the developed algorithm of consecutive refinement of bearing at accumulation allows to optimise used computing resources and to realise adaptive disproportionation of resources of equipment of digital machining according to changes of surrounding multi-purpose electromagnetic circumstances.

Pages: 100-113
For citation

Artemov M.L., Slichenko M.P. Identification of peak-phase portraits of radiosignals of a source of radio-frequency radiation by the multichannel system of radiomonitoring. Radiotekhnika. 2022. V. 86. № 1. P. 100−113. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202201-15 (In Russian)

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Date of receipt: 18.11.2021
Approved after review: 28.11.2021
Accepted for publication: 22.12.2021