V.P. Krylov
AO “ONPP “Technology”” named after A.G. Romashina”(Moscow, Russia)
Statement of a problem the empirical models of calculation of frequency dispersion of dielectric permeability based on dipol representations of structure material are known.
Modeling of representation of substance in the form of non-uniform multilayered structure also allows to find electrodynamic parameters of materials therefore the possibility of the description by means of this model of frequency properties of dielectric permeability of quartz glass in a strip of frequencies from radio to optical range is considered.
Purpose. Calculation of frequency dependence of dielectric permeability material at the expense of an interference of the falling wave on the plate presented in the form of model of non-uniform multilayered structure.
Results. The model of representation of non-uniform material in the form of multilayered plane-parallel structure for calculations within geometrical optics of parameters of the reflected wave when falling a flat wave on a plate is investigated at an angle of Brewster. Practical importance. The model of non-uniform material in the form of multilayered plane-parallel structure is developed and calculations of frequency dispersion of dielectric permeability of quartz glass are carried out.
Krylov V.P. Modelling of structure of material for the description of frequency dispersion of dielectric permeability of quartz glass.
Radiotekhnika. 2021. V. 85. № 8. P. 148−154. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202108-15 (In Russian)
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