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Journal Radioengineering №2 for 2021 г.
Article in number:
Quaternion Fourier series of periodic pulse sequence
DOI: 10.18127/j00338486-202102-13
UDC: 621.391.832

V.M. Sovetov

16 Central Research Testing Order of the Red Star Institute Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation n. a. Marshal of the Communications Forces A.I. Belov (Moscow, Russia)


The scheme of many inputs, many outputs (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output – MIMO) is becoming more widespread to increase the noise immunity of the transmission of information. In this connection, the need arises for spectral analysis of momentum vectors connected by a MIMO scheme. To obtain the Fourier transform of a four-dimensional (4M) pulse vector, it is proposed to use a quaternion.

Quaternion is a hypercomplex number with one real and three imaginary parts. Quaternion can also be represented in matrix or vector form. The matrix of a single quaternion is orthogonal. The quaternion in the matrix notation is decomposed into basis matrices for which the multiplication rules are the same as for imaginary units. The base matrices of the imaginary part add up to an imaginary matrix. In connection with the noted properties of the quaternion, it is used to obtain the quaternion Fourier transform (QFT). QFT is used to obtain spectra of two-dimensional pulses in the analysis of two-dimensional images. In this paper, we present a method for obtaining QFT 4M pulse vectors used in radio engineering using the matrix representation of a quaternion. Moreover, we do not use imaginary units and operate with real, physically realizable signals. The frequencies of the pulse spectrum are represented as a model in the state space with a state transition matrix in the form of an imaginary matrix of the corresponding frequency. The matrix exponent with the matrix of transition of states to the power of the exponent corresponds to the fundamental matrix, which is a solution of a homogeneous linear differential equation.

It is shown that when using the 4M fundamental matrix, the QFT can be transformed into a one-dimensional integral of the 4M fundamental matrix multiplied by the 4M quaternion vector. When calculating the QFT, we used the right notation of multiplying the vector by the matrix. Examples of calculating the QFT vectors of rectangular and sawtooth pulses are given. The calculation results are presented in the form of a matrix of component spectra when multiplied by a vector of pulse amplitudes, we obtain four pulse spectra of the vectors. 

Using the properties of fundamental matrices and well-known formulas of geometry, an expression is obtained for calculating the vector of spectra shifted by pulses at different times. The expressions obtained make it possible to obtain the spectra of pulse vectors, which can be of various shapes and with different time shifts.

The use of inverse QFT for pulses with a different time shift is shown. The presentation and basic properties of the 4M deltaquaternion or the Dirac delta mass are considered. The quaternionic delta pulse is a pure scalar, which can be represented as a point mass in the 3M coordinate system, and has a filtering property. 

An expression is obtained for the Perceval theorem as applied to the QFT for pulses with different time shifts. For various pulse shifts, the Perceval equality is not always satisfied. The conditions are found under which it is possible to obtain such pulse shifts under which this equality is satisfied.

Pages: 83-94
For citation

Sovetov V.M. Quaternion Fourier series of periodic pulse sequence. Radiotekhnika. 2021. V. 85. № 2. P. 83−94.  DOI: 10.18127/j00338486-202102-01 (In Russian).

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Date of receipt: 07.04.2020
Approved after review: 03.06.2020
Accepted for publication: 23.11.2020