350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №4 for 2020 г.
Article in number:
Development of the method of auxiliary sources in 2D problems of scattering by PEC cylinders and thin screens
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j00338486-202004(7)-04
UDC: 534.26:537.874.6

D.A. Borisov − Student, 

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University)

E-mail: bd240897@yandex.ru

S.P. Skobelev − Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Leading Research Scientist,  PJSC «Radiofizika»; 

Associate Professor, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology E-mail: s.p.skobelev@mail.ru


The method of auxiliary sources (MAS) existing in a few modification is one of the popular methods developed for solution of the problems of electromagnetic scattering compact bodies. Effectiveness of the MAS is revealed in the highest degree in analysis of compact scatterers having smooth closed surfaces. Some modifications of the MAS have been developed for analysis of compact scatterers with angular points on their surfaces as well as for analysis of thin conducting screens. Some of them require combining with the method of integral equations for treating the currents at and in the vicinity of the angular points, and such an approach considerably complicates the algorithm. Other modifications require significant increasing the number of unknowns compared to the method of integral equations. In the present paper, we propose a new modification of the MAS for solution of two-dimensional problems of E-polarized wave scattering by perfectly conducting cylinders of general form of cross section and by thin screens allowing enhancement of effectiveness of the existing modifications. The proposed modification has two main differences from the existing approaches. First, we propose the use of cylindrical sources of nonzero radius instead of infinitely thin filaments of current. Second, instead of an auxiliary surface arranged at some distance from the physical surface of the scatterer, we propose arrangement of the sources so that the axes of the cylinders turn out to be coincided with the collocation points on the surface of the scatterer. We have determined an optimum radius of the auxiliary sources providing the smallest residual of fulfillment of the boundary conditions. Effectiveness of application of the modification is demonstrated in the problems of wave scattering by a strip and by a cylinder of square cross section. The results obtained in the paper include residuals of fulfilling the boundary conditions, current distributions over surfaces of the scatterers, and radar cross-sections of the scatterers. The validity of the results is also confirmed by means of comparing them to the data obtained by other methods.

Pages: 33-39
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Date of receipt: 17 марта 2020 г.