T.V. Yagodkina – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor,
Department of Management and Informatics, National Research University «MPEI» (Moscow) E-mail: dembskaya@mail.ru
Anh Hien Vu – Post-graduate Student,
Department of Management and Informatics, National Research University «MPEI» (Moscow) E-mail: vahien@mail.ru
Quang Thuong Nguyen – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor,
State University of Management (Moscow)
E-mail: tikhonovrus@gmail.com
We consider the stages of constructing modal control systems for multidimensional linear dynamic systems with an unknown mathematical description in the presence of perturbations using the identifier, which is a model of the system in a discrete state space, obtained using the Ident application in Matlab (Simulink).
The development was based on the modal control method, which allows for continuous one-dimensional and multi-dimensional linear or linearizable systems to build a modal controller based on the description of the system in the state space.
A method was developed for constructing a modal controller based on the full and incomplete state vector of the system, placing the poles of its characteristic polynomial in known positions, which provided the specified speed, the absence of oscillation of the transition process of the system, or its insignificance.
It is proposed to perform modal control of an object using a discrete identification model, using the full state vector of the model, and to use compensation for all disturbances acting in the object.
Methods for implementing an adaptive system built using modal control of the original continuous system based on its discrete identification model in the presence of disturbances and changes in its parameters that occur gradually or with a jump in time due to various reasons (aging, equipment wear, etc.).
An adaptive control system with an ID is implemented as a program in Matlab and applied specifically to the drying unit.
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