A.A. Topchiy – Ph.D.(Eng.)
A.N. Averkiev – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor
E.V. Kurennoy – Ph.D.(Eng.), Professor
V.M. Yusyp – Associate Professor
Modern shipbuilding involves the use of a single electric power system that uses semiconductor converting devices. The presence of powerful semiconductor converting devices in ship power supply systems leads to significant non-linear distortions of the mains voltage and current. The consequence of this effect is the deterioration of the energy performance of ship electrical systems, the decrease in the reliability of ship electrical networks, the reduction in the service life of electrical equipment of ship electrical systems, as well as possible emergency situations of the entire power system as a whole, including fires. Therefore, taking into account the distortion of the supply voltage of the electric power system, which are caused by higher harmonic components, determines the relevance of the topic under consideration.
Analysis of modern marine electrical power plants shows that semiconductor converting devices are used both in the excitation systems of main generators and propeller motors, and in the main power circuits of electric propulsion systems, which contain static converters that perform the functions of rectifier devices, inverters and frequency converters. The basis of controlled and uncontrolled semiconductor converting devices is a three-phase bridge circuit.
A model of a semiconductor converter device based on the equivalent bridge circuit of an uncontrolled rectifier taking into account higher harmonic components is proposed.
The model takes into account changes in the phase current in the shoulders of the bridge circuit, the voltages in the corresponding phases of the ship network, the potential difference at the output of the semiconductor converter and the rectified current. The proposed model, taking into account the higher harmonic components, allows you to analyze the operation of the electric power plant and to evaluate the qualitative composition of current and voltage in various modes of its operation.
Comparison of the simulation results with real harmonic components indicates the legitimacy of the application of the considered approach for the analysis of operating modes in existing ship power plants.
The presented model allows constructing an optimal “preemptive” regulator, which is technically equivalent to increasing the speed of the converter’s response to disturbing influences, which are the harmonics of current and voltage. Such a regulator is included in the feedback circuit of the semiconductor converter device. The controller can be implemented as a power active filter based on resonant and fully controllable inverters using a non-recursive digital filter in the control circuit of the power active filter. The power active filter control algorithm is created on the basis of information on the magnitude of the harmonics of the network current obtained using the proposed model. As a result of the use of such a regulator, as the authors suggest, it is possible to reduce the influence of the higher harmonic voltage components on the power plant as a whole.
In general, this approach allows us to reduce the negative effects of higher harmonics and to ensure electromagnetic compatibility of semiconductor converters and other elements of the ship’s electric power system, which may be the subject of further research.
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