A.A. Burmaka – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Main Research Scientist,
RTC (Kursk) 18 CRI DM of RF
E-mail: kstu-bmi@yandex.ru
T.N. Govorukhina – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor,
Department of Software Engineering, South-West State University (Kursk)
E-mail: govtn@mail.ru
O.A. Anikeeva – Main Specialist,
Educational Institution «Medical Information Analytical Center» (Kursk)
E-mail: kstu-bmi@yandex.ru
Yu.V. Zyplakov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Engineer, Head of Department,
RTC (Kursk) 18 CRI DM of RF
E-mail: knii@kursktelecom.ru
The receiving and measuring channel of the information-measuring system (IMS) as an autonomous tool or as a part of various electronic devices intended for solving various problems. The detection of pulsed signals in the input action is preceded by the process of measuring and estimating parameters and its «there is a signal» decision can be used as a command to control the process of temporary selection in the measuring channel of the IMS. If parameter assessments blocks are formed as a result of the IMS subsystem’s being operated this can become a precondition for obtaining the information used to regulate the bandwidth of the detection channel in the IMS in order to improve the quality of its work in terms of detecting weak signals.
The work shows diagrams explaining the functional organization of the IMS’s receiving and measuring channel. It is shown that the functional organization of the IMS’s receiving and measuring channel in part of the analog-discrete conversion of the input action is described by a set of operator equations on the basis of which the structural organization of the device is formed. The «there is a signal» decision is also a command initiating the control process in the measuring channel of the IMS’s subsystem. The execution of this process which is based on the formation of a «time window» ensures that the detected useful signals are extracted from the mixture, i.e. a temporary selection procedure is performed wherein the duration (width) of the «time window» is determined by the delay for the preparatory operations in the detection channel for which a delay line is introduced into the structure of the receiving and measuring channel.
The proposed methodological approach to resolution of the problem in controlling the processes of analog-discrete conversion in the IMS’s receiving and measuring channel made it possible to substantiate the use of responsiveness between the detection and measurement channels while ensuring a signal-to-noise ratio approaching the input. Structurally the resolution of the problem allowed it to be performed at the level protected by patent RU 2.684G43C1 from March 20th 2018 with a theoretical justification for the device’s effectiveness. It should be noted that the work shows a rule that determines the functioning quality of the IMS’s subsystem only in terms of temporary selection and creates preconditions for solving the second problem: controlling the conversion of video pulses in order to minimize the error in estimating the temporal parameters of a video sequence under a foreknown parametric uncertainty.
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