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Journal Radioengineering №12 for 2020 г.
Article in number:
Three-dimensional modeling of multipath propagation of signals in wireless data transmission systems for the parameters of a gas turbine engine
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j00338486-202012(24)-08
UDC: 621.396

A.N. Udodov 1, S.B. Makarov 2, S.V. Zavjalov 3, V.V. Rud4, A.A. Tuzova 5

1 JSC «UEC-Klimov» (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

1,2,3,5 Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russia (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

4 «R&D center of Radiotechnics» Co. Ltd. (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

1a.n.udodov@yandex.ru, 2makarov@cee.spbstu.ru, 3zavyalov_sv@spbstu.ru, 4rud@coresar.ru, 5tuzova_aa@spbstu.ru


Formulation of the problem. The main trend in improving reliability, safety and reducing the time required for performing routine maintenance at complex technical facilities, for example, on a gas turbine engine, is the use of wireless monitoring and control systems for engine operation. This article will consider methods and means of ensuring the stability of data transmission in multipath conditions, in the absence of a line of sight between the receiver and transmitter.

Goal. Construct maps of the spatial distribution of signal energy on the surface of a gas turbine engine using the method of threedimensional modeling of multipath propagation of signals between the structures of the units of this engine.

Results. A generalized model of a system for wireless monitoring of the operation of a gas turbine engine is proposed, and possible locations of sensors and receiving-transmitting modules on the surfaces of engine units are analyzed. A specialized software package has been proposed and adapted, which allows three-dimensional modeling of the data transmission channel and the construction of a signal power distribution map. Maps of the distribution of signal powers under conditions of multipath propagation of oscillations were obtained for a model of a cylindrical configuration of a gas turbine engine and a nacelle for 5 wireless sensors of the automatic control system located on the engine and one control unit located on the nacelle. It is shown that for a given location of the sensors, the cards have a significant dependence on the specified (required) power level required to ensure stable signal reception.

Practical significance. Recommendations are given on the use of the simulation results when placing the nodes of the wireless engine control system at the facility. On the basis of the obtained maps of the spatial distribution of power, estimates are given for the choice of the surface area on which the location of the receiver of the wireless monitoring and engine control system is recommended.

Pages: 81-92
For citation

Udodov A.N., Makarov S.B., Zavjalov S.V., Rud V.V., Tuzova A.A. Three-dimensional modeling of multipath propagation of signals in wireless data transmission systems for the parameters of a gas turbine engine. Radiotekhnika. 2020. V. 84.  № 12(24). P. 81−92. DOI: 10.18127/j00338486-202012(24)-08 (In Russian).

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Date of receipt: 28.10.2020