P.A. Kistanov 1, A.A. Titov 2, O.V. Tsarik 3, I.A. Tsikin 4, E.A. Shcherbinina 5
1,4,5 Peter The Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
2,3 LLC «Special Technology Center» (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
1 adavydenko@stc-spb.ru; 2 evgeniy.retc@gmail.com; 3 tsikin@mail.spbstu.ru
The paper considers the positioning of the radio source with unknown form that destructively affects on the operation of satellite communication systems. This paper compares two TDOA-based methods: single-step and two-step. The considered single-step method is a modified direct positioning method, in which signals from satellites are jointly processed to determine radio source coordinates. The conventional two-step TDOA-based method on the first step measures time differences, which appear while radio source signal is propagating through satellites, and on the second step solves the nonlinear system of equations to find radio source coordinates estimations. The effect of the analysis interval, attenuation in the adjacent channels and the analysis frequency band on the positioning accuracy is analyzed in detail. The simulation results indicate a significant effect of the single-step method versus twostep method in whole range of attenuation in the adjacent channels, analysis interval and analysis bandwidth.
The single-step method is also investigated in the presence of phase distortions, which can be caused by the operation of the satellite transponder equipment and by the satellite propagation channel. Two variants with ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ decisions about the radio source coordinates are considered. The analysis interval is divided into sufficiently small partial intervals to garantee a small phase change. The efficiency of the modified direct method with ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ decisions is analyzed for different values of signal attenuation in the adjacent channels. This analysis showed the highest efficiency of the method with ‘soft’ decisions in the most difficult conditions of signal reception.
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