350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №1 for 2020 г.
Article in number:
Estimation of characteristics of detection of trajectories of maneuvering targets at secondary processing of radar information
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j00338486-202001(02)-01
UDC: 621.391

G.S. Nakhmanson – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, 

MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh)

Е-mail: kig28@mail.ru

D.S. Akinshin – Post-graduate Student, Engineer, 

MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh) Е-mail: ads199011@icloud.com


We consider the detection of the trajectory of the air target (AT) in the secondary processing of radar information based on the results of radar observations. As a rule, in secondary radar processing, the probabilities of target detection in different radar observations are assumed to be the same. However, when the target moves, its range relative to the location of the radar station changes, and, consequently, the power of the received, reflected signals from it, and, accordingly, the probability of detection, change. The main characteristics of the discovery process, a trajectory of AT, which refers to the identification results, determining the location for a few preestablished intervals review, are the probability of detection of a trajectory of movement AT and the average time it Autolock. But the average time of auto-capture of the trajectory does not provide comprehensive information about the time of detection of the trajectory of the AT. Additional information about the detection of the trajectory of the target is given by the standard deviation of the estimate of the time of auto-capture of the trajectory relative to the average and the change in the probabilities of detecting the trajectory of the AT specific time intervals of radar surveillance in relation to the probability of its detection at all.

Evaluation of the influence on the detection characteristics of the trajectories of maneuvering AT moving in a circle with a fixed radius, changes in the probabilities of detection of AT in radar observations for cases of reception of signals with random initial phases and random amplitudes and initial phases.

The determination of the change in the probability of detection of a moving target at successive time intervals of radar observations is based on the change in the signal-to-noise ratio for the signals reflected from it when the target is removed relative to the radar location.

New analytical expressions are obtained for the probabilities of detecting a maneuvering target at successive time intervals of radar observations and the probabilities of detecting the trajectory of the AT at specific time intervals. The obtained ratios take into account changes in the probabilities of detection of targets at their distance (approach) during maneuvering relative to the radar location for the case when the reflected signals have a random initial phase.

The analysis of the results of calculations carried out on the basis of the obtained ratios revealed the regularities of changes in the probabilities of detection of maneuvering targets at successive time intervals of radar observations and probabilities of detection of the trajectory of the target at specific time intervals. The dependences of the change of these probabilities on the distances traversed by the target during the survey interval, on the signal-to-noise ratio for the received signal reflected from the target at the initial moment of observation, on the angle formed by the trajectory of the target and the radius-vector of the target relative to the radar location, as well as. Conclusion. The obtained results allow us to calculate the characteristics of detection trajectories of maneuvering air targets taking into account changes in the probability of detection of targets at successive time intervals of radar observations.

Pages: 5-15
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Date of receipt: 25 декабря 2019 г.