S.D. Sinitsky – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Senior Research Scientist,
Research Centre, Krasnodar Higher Military School Named After General of the Army S.M. Shtemenko E-mail: s.sinickii@mail.ru
Yu.I. Strelkov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Professor, Senior Research Scientist,
Research Centre, Krasnodar Higher Military School Named After General of the Army S.M. Shtemenko E-mail: yistrel@mail.ru
D.A. Kucheruk – Post-graduate Student, Head of Department
Centre, Krasnodar Higher Military School Named After General of the Army S.M. Shtemenko E-mail: kda_dissert@mail.ru
E.S. Ivanov – Assistant,
Krasnodar Higher Military School Named After General of the Army S.M. Shtemenko E-mail: adeven@list.ru
The task of determining the performance of individual components and components of electronic devices of various systems of transmission, exchange and storage of information is very relevant and, of course, is the basis of a high degree of readiness for the use of technology for its intended purpose. The objects of diagnosis (OD) can be the individual components of the equipment: chips, components and communication lines, and the work of troubleshooting is defined as the technical diagnosis (TD) of electronic devices.
A large number of diagnostic tools are based on the use of the method of «test signals», when the specific inputs of the RED are given specially formed signals, and the outputs of the RED are removed «responses» to these signals and compared with the reference ones. But this technique involves the use of specially designed for each type of RED diagnostic systems, the development and production of which involves significant financial costs.
When exposed to the electromagnetic field of the Nper on the semiconductor element of the RED with energy-dependent memory, the direction of the magnetic field vector changes from 90° to 270° perpendicular to the semiconductor carrier substrate. The direction of the magnetic field vector changes sequentially, penetrating into the conductor and semiconductor with a given frequency ω, inducing an alternating electric field in it.
The induced magnetic field in turn causes the appearance of eddy currents, resulting in the state of excitation of charges in the elements of RED. With a further change in the direction of the magnetic field vector, another damped magnetic field of the Npar begins to act with an amplitude value of the magnetic field intensity exceeding more than twice the Nper, with the vector changing the direction from 180° to 360°, directed parallel to the substrate of the semiconductor carrier. The frequency of the magnetic field, respectively, lies in the range from 2ω to 4ω. This magnetic field also penetrates into the conductor and semiconductor and induces an alternating electric field in them, and the latter in turn causes the appearance of eddy currents, which also lead to the state of excitation of charges in the elements of the RD.
When two decaying magnetic fields with changing vector directions are simultaneously exposed, they are formed, forming a damped magnetic field Nper,par with a rotating tension vector with an angle α, the value of which varies according to the law of magnetic field addition, which in turn, penetrating into the conductor and semiconductor, induces an alternating electric field in them, creating eddy currents.
As a field-forming system (FFS) for the creation of REMF, it is possible to use a traditional stator of an asynchronous electric machine, and in this case, RED can be considered as an inhibited rotor, where the number of windings of the rotor eddy currents corresponds to the number of functional circuits of the RED.
The object of diagnosis was «Memory card reader». Comparison of the difference between the measured and reference values showed the excess of the permissible for this type of boards mismatch parameters
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