N.J. Muzychenko – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Leading Research Scientist,
K.V. Anufriev – Engineer of the 1st category, FSUE «RNIIRS» FRPC
The method of the solution of a two-alternative problem of the choice of limited selection of observations which is based on the concept of indistinct algorithms of information processing is offered. As indicators of quality of the solution of a task in case of a possibility of domination of both alternatives and in case of domination only of one alternative the relations of degrees of reliability of the made decisions and number of the measurements necessary for achievement close to single reliability of the made decision in the developed and known methods are used, respectively. As a set of the functions of accessory used by search of the solution of a variation task the squared piecewise linear are used, also fractional and rational functions of accessory are Gaussian. The functions of accessory characterizing the nedominiruyemost degrees each alternative another providing a maximum of the chosen functionalities of quality are constructed.
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