A.L. Dzhioev – Ph.D.(Eng.), Assistant Professor, Leading Research Scientist,
V.V. Yakovlenko – Part-programming Engineer of the 1st category, FSUE «RNIIRS» FRPC
The classical monopulse measurement of two angular coordinates of an object in space, carried out by combining the direction of equal signals with an object as a result of using a sequence of pulses, is redundant, since the set of amplitudes of one pulse, taken from four radiation patterns, already contains complete information about the direction to the object. Therefore, it is possible to use a single pulse to measure the angular coordinates of a single object, as well as several objects with different distances. The article is devoted to improving the accuracy and speed of measuring the position of an object in space, carried out by a digital radar in review mode. A joint solution of three problems is considered: improving the accuracy of simultaneously measuring two angular coordinates of an object, reducing the duration of this measurement and increasing the angular dimensions of the area in which the measurement is being made. New, more advanced algorithms that are effective in the digital representation of the received signal are proposed.
For a method on a plane using the choice of a special value of the angle of deviation of the maximum of the radiation pattern from the direction of equal signals, which provides an accurate and fast analytical solution of the direction finding equation, the error of angle measurement was reduced by the authors to 1% of the width of the radiation pattern in the region exceeding twice the width of the radiation pattern. To implement the measurement with such accuracy, a high stability of the form of the direction-finding characteristic is required, which is ensured by the use of modern digital technology. However, in space, when measuring two angles of a single pulse using two one-dimensional methods, the accuracy that is achievable on the plane is not achieved due to the ambiguity of the shape of onedimensional direction-finding characteristics. The value of the ratio of the difference and the sum of the amplitudes of the signals constructed to measure one angular coordinate depends on the unknown value of another coordinate. The measurement error may reach 1/20 of the width of the radiation pattern, which is much worse than with one-dimensional measurements. For accurate measurement of two angular coordinates by a single pulse, it is necessary to solve a system of two direction-finding equations.
It is shown that for an independent monopulse measurement of each angular coordinate by precise and fast one-dimensional methods, the antenna aperture in the form of a rectangle and the weight function in the form of a product of two one-dimensional functions are needed that convert the system of equations into two independent equations.
To eliminate restrictions on the shape of the aperture and the type of the weight function while maintaining high accuracy and speed of angle measurement, it was proposed to replace the process of solving the system of direction finding equations, carried out in real time, to choose a ready-made solution from the solution table of this system of equations prepared in advance in computer memory.
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