V.K. Klochko – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Professor, Department «Automatic and Information Technologies in Control», Ryazan State Radio Engineering University
E-mail: klochkovk@mail.ru
Cong Hoai Nguyen – Post-graduate Student, Department «Radio Engineering Devices»,
Ryazan State Radio Engineering University
E-mail: nguyenconghoaikqh31891@gmail.com
In the field of passive radio-vision of millimetric range of waves the problem of spatial coordinates estimation of several objects and its movement paths creation in the system of several scanning receivers is solved. In work algorithms of solving this task based on two approaches are proposed. At the first approach the system of the algebraic equations in every period of scanning taking into account time delays of direction vectors definition in receivers is solved. In the second – groups of direction vectors in the sequence of scanning periods are selected on accessory to objects. The numerical characteristics showing advantage of these algorithms on the accuracy of estimates and probability of all objects detection in comparison with the alternative algorithm which is not considering time delays are received. The problem of detection and trajectory tracking of several objects in observation radar-tracking systems is known and in detail presented in domestic and foreign literature long ago. Solutions of this task in relation to passive optical systems of onboard assignment for aircraft are also well-known. On a joint of these two directions there is a problem of detection and trajectory tracking of small-sized objects in the passive systems of radio-vision of millimetric range of waves.
The work purpose – development and a research of algorithmic (mathematical) providing the existing passive scanning systems of radio-vision for a solution of a problem of detection and trajectory tracking of several small-sized moving objects. The passive antenna system of objects observation consists of several spatially distributed stereo pairs of the receivers scanning a viewing field. In the course of synchronous scanning in each receiver in the periods of scanning angular data of the directions on objects are fixed and time points of fixing are remembered. Mathematically task consists in distribution of observed vectors on accessory to these or those objects with finding of estimates of number of objects in the periods of scanning. Also – finding vectors of spatial coordinates and trajectory parameters of the movement: velocity vectors of coordinates change and acceleration. Algebraic approach to a solution of a task is stated and three algorithms of distribution of observed vectors are offered.
The offered algorithms allow to consider dynamic properties of objects on the basis the algebraic equations system solution taking into account time points of fixing vectors of the directions on objects. The solution is carried out for one or two periods of observation. However because of instability of procedures of matrix inverting algorithms demands certain conditions of observation that it is not always possible to carry out in practice. The algorithm steadier against change of conditions of observation, but a little less exact in estimation is offered. In it the solution is carried out in the sequence of several periods of observation. Algorithms can find application in existing passive (antenna or optical) object tracking systems.
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