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Journal Radioengineering №1 for 2019 г.
Article in number:
The algorithm of segmentation of the geometry of a dielectric object by the parameter of smallness of the target effect of observation. stratification of Luneburg lens
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j00338486-201901-02
UDC: 51.74+537.871

K.M. Zeide – Leading Engineer, Institute of Radioelectronics and Information Technology of Ural Federal University E-mail: k.m.zeyde@urfu.ru

A.N. Korotkov – Senior Lecturer, Institute of Radioelectronics and Information Technology of Ural Federal University E-mail: an.korotkov@urfu.ru


In this paper, the algorithm for segmentation the geometry of a dielectric object is described in detail. Features of the algorithm: the possibility of a priori evaluation of the accuracy of simulation results and taking into account the degree of smallness of the target effect of observation. The algorithm is generalized and applicable to a wide class of electrodynamics problems. The first section of the work gives the basic metrological and physical provisions. The second section is devoted to the description of an isolated layer. The third section contains the mathematical apparatus and the scheme of the stratification algorithm. The following is the numerical justification of the optimized algorithm for the example of calculating the directivity of a Luneburg lens antenna. The analysis of the obtained results is given.

Pages: 15-23
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Date of receipt: 15 мая 2018 г.