A.M. Bronnikov – Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Deputy Main Designer, JSC MRPC «Avionica» (Moscow) E-mail: bronnikov_a_m@mail.ru
E.O. Karavashkina – Head of Department, JSC MRPC «Avionica» (Moscow) E-mail: informpo4ta@mail.ru
In the article, the task of adjusting the algorithm of the current identification in the helicopter control system is solved. Models of helicopter flight dynamics, algorithms for identification, information processing and control are presented in a discrete form. As the algorithm of the current identification, a recurrent method of least squares with a forgetting factor is used. On the basis of the second Lyapunov method, the limitation of the identification discrepancy for the object under consideration is justified. Defined the boundaries of the region of stability of the discrepancy identification. Proposes measures for improvement of the identification algorithm in adaptive system. They are reduced to the control of the positive definiteness of the covariance matrix of estimation errors and the restriction of its norms from above and below.
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