K.K. Vasilev – Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department «Telecommunications», Ulyanovsk State Technical University E-mail: vkk@ulstu.ru
N.V. Luchkov – Ph. D. (Eng.), Leading Research Engineer, FRPC OJSC «RPA «Mars» (Ulyanovsk) E-mail: nik-lnv@mail.ru
O.V. Saverkin – Post-graduate Student, Ulyanovsk State Technical University; Research Engineer, FRPC OJSC «RPA «Mars» (Ulyanovsk) E-mail: saverkin-oleg@mail.ru
The results of mathematical modeling of three algorithms of trajectory filtration based on the use of Kalman linear and nonlinear filters are presented. The nonlinear character of the data is related to observations of radar marks from the target in spherical coordinates in the construction of its trajectory in a rectangular system. It is established that a nonlinear filter and a filter that takes into account the correlation of the errors of the linearized observations have a close efficiency. However, the use of the simplest linear filter with separate estimation can lead to significant errors.
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