350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №7 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Tunnel field emission from nanocomposite diamond-graphite film structures
microwave plasma
diamond - graphite nanocomposite
field emission
barriers penetrability
dimensional quantization
R.K. Yafarov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Saratov branch of Kotel\'nikov IRE of RAS. E-mail: pirpc@yandex.ru
P.D. Shalaev - Ph. D. (Eng.), JSC «SPE «Almaz» (Saratov). E-mail: p.d.shalaev@yandex.ru
A.R. Yafarov - Employee of JSC «SPE «Almaz» (Saratov). E-mail: andr.yf@yandex.ru
Influence of the precipitation mode of diamond-graphite film structures in the nonequilibrium microwave plasma of ethanol vapors of low pressure upon their field emission characteristics is experimentally determined and proved by the use of quantum-mechanical re-presentations.
Areas of modes that provide as separate precipitation of carbon film structures of various allotropic modifications (nanocrystal and ul-tradisperse diamond, graphite, etc.), and the composite film structures, containing diamond and graphite phases in various volume ratios, are determined by use of the X ray diffraction analysis, a method of combinational dispersion of light, and high-allowing electronic and nuclear-power microscopy. The effect of self-organization of diamond nanocrystallites in the graphite and polymer-like hy-drocarbonic film matrices is revealed. It is shown that concentration and sizes of nanodiamond crystallites in a graphite matrix, as well as conductivity of nanocomposite diamond-graphite structures is possible to be regulated by a change of the accelerating potential on a substrate holder during their synthesis, and one receive big concentration and smaller sizes at more positive accelerating potential. The formed diamond-like nanocrystallites can have sizes not only less than the length of Debye shielding, which promote improvement of superficial conductivity of nanocomposite diamond-graphite film structure, but also possess of quantum-well properties.
The arising quantum restriction and increase of own (zero) energy of electrons in potential holes of diamond-like nanocrystallites of the graphite-like matrices promotes at the field emission the increase of the transparency of a potential barrier because the probability of passing the particle through a potential barrier depends not only on the barrier width, but also on its excess over the energy level of the tunneling electron. Therefore, the increase of potential barrier transparency at a field emission can be performed not only at the expense of a traditional increase of the external electric field intensity by the way of increasing the factor of the field strengthening at the reduction of emitting tips radii or diameters of openings in the operating electrodes, which lead to a reduction of width and height of a barrier, but also due to reducing the excess of a potential barrier height over the energy level of the tunneling electron due to the increase of its own energy. It provides a possibility to increase a density of field emission currents at lower level of external electric field intensity and allows one to increase a stock of electric durability of the used cathodes materials, so stability of their field emission and durability.
It is shown that the choice of the precipitation modes providing the reduction of the sizes of diamond-like nanoclusters in the graphite-like matrixes allows one to reach a reduction of the electric field threshold of field emission by 4−6 times, in comparison with the amorphous hydrogenated carbon films received in other ways. When measuring the butt emission from the received diamond-graphite film structures on polycor substrates in the pulse mode, densities of field emission currents more than 100 A/cm2 are received.
Pages: 41-46
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