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Journal Radioengineering №6 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Comprehensive analysis of mechanical properties of printed circuit boards in the composition of radio electronic module
O.Yu. Makarov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Radio Equipment Engineering and Manufacturing, Voronezh State Technical University. E-mail: mou@hotbox.ru
A.V. Turetsky - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Radio Equipment Engineering and Manufacturing, Voronezh State Technical University. E-mail: tav7@mail.ru
When creating electronic device, suitable in advance at the design stage by computer simulation (CAE-analysis) to inspect printed circuit boards of different types resistance to stress, including mechanical. In this case, the number of corrections in the project can be significantly reduced, saving time and cost of designing.
The radio industry various high-level CAD used spanning a large number of stages of the creation of radio electronic means (REM). One such system is Creo Parametric. Unfortunately, this system has no way of modeling the mechanical characteristics of such complex parts as multilayer printed circuit boards while they are largely determined by the reliability of the entire device.
In this paper, we propose an algorithm of optimal design of electronic modules procedures by examining the mechanical properties of multilayer printed circuit boards. This algorithm uses as criteria for evaluating the mechanical reliability of boards of test samples Test. It considers the limit values of vibrations, bumps, printed circuit boards static loads with different number of layers made of different materials by different technologies.
Laboratory tests of test samples of multilayer printed circuit boards according to regulations proposed to implement the IPC-TM-650. This technique provides a set of mechanical and electrical tests, as well as control of the geometric dimensions using thermal cycling.
The work is an example of Creo Parametric modeling for the mechanical characteristics of the REM module.
The proposed method can significantly accelerate the development of electronic products.
Pages: 55-60
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