350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №4 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Method of determining the degree of self-similarity of traffic multiservice networks
M.S. Samoilov - Leading Design Engineer, JSC «Concern «Automation». E-mail: samoilov@oao-avtomatika.ru
Modern multiservice network at the current rate of development of the information industry have some problems with traffic, the analysis of its characteristics and parameters of the nodes processing. Often the design and construction or modernization of multiservice networks carried out without a preliminary assessment of traffic load. Thus the study of the structure and the statistical parameters of multimedia traffic, as well as the calculation of the characteristics of the telecommunication nodes ICT multiservice networks is an important task of modern scientific and engineering work. The last decade, much attention is paid to research traffic multiservice networks with signs of self-similarity. Many studies have given a mathematical description of self-similar processes, but the use of theoretical results in practice remains a complex task. In this work was the synthesis of some way to measure the self-similarity of random sequences of telecommunications traffic, allowing to assess not only the degree of fractality, but to draw conclusions about the possibility or feasibility of application of methods of analysis of probability-time characteristics. Thus, the technique of determining the degree of similarity of multimedia traffic on the estimation of the Hurst parameter, the autocorrelation function and the probabilistic characteristics of the temporal parameters allows a more accurate assessment of the traffic conditions multifractality.
Pages: 61-65


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