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Journal Radioengineering №3 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
The reversion method of Volterrа's functional series for digital correction of nonlinear distortions in analogue Radio engineering devices
nonlinear distortions
Volterrа's series
Faа di Bruno's formula
power operator
functional polynom
V.I. Proskurin - Ph. D. (Eng.), RC (Tver) CRI ADF of Russian Defence Ministry
To carry out digital correction of nonlinear distortions of signals in the analogue Radio engineering devices. The reversion method the Fаa di Bruno-s type formula is generalised on a case of the multiple functional differentiation of superposition of nonlinear operators on the real and complex functions spaces. On the base of this formula the method of reversion Volterrа-s functional series is developed. The generalized formula of Faa di Bruno-s and the method of reversal of functional polynomials make the generalized method coefficients allowing to find coefficients of the functional polynomials for superposition (serial connection) several non-linear systems, non-linear feedback systems, etc. The Method of reversal of the functional rows allows to fulfill numeral correction of non-linearity distortions of signals in the analog parts of radio receivers and also to calculate numeral pre-distortions for a signal on an input of power amplifiers of radio transmitters.
Pages: 97-103
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