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Journal Radioengineering №12 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
GNSS signal reception characteristics in non-gaussian jammers environment
V.S. Efimenko - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head Department, OJSC «VNIIR-Progress» (Moscow). E-mail: vefimenko@abselectro.com
V.N. Kharisov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Director of Navigation and Communication Systems, OJSC «VNIIR-Progress» (Moscow). E-mail: vhar@list.ru
D.N. Voronchikhin - Junior Research Scientist, OJSC «VNIIR-Progress» (Moscow). E-mail: dvorinchikhin@abselectro.com
Classical optimal signal reception theory assumes that signal is observed in the white Gaussian noise (WGN) background. While white Gaussian noise model is suitable for the internal noise, it could be lead to essential losses for jammer signals.
The paper deals with the issue of GNSS signal reception against angle-modulated signal jammers (e.g. signal simulant jammers). Po-tential gain due to the consideration of non-gaussianity and adaptive algorithm are discussed.
It-s known that optimal reception (detection, estimation, filtering) in the non-Gaussian jammer background comes down to nonlinear transformation of original observation and further processing similar to the optimal reception in the WGN. Nonlinear transformation characteristics and non-Gaussian consideration gain depend on the input signal probability density function (PDF).
One-dimensional input observation PDF is unknown in actual practice. That-s why non-Gaussian receiver must be adaptive. Statistic simulation showed most effective and high stability results when the estimation of the histogram is carried out from empirical distribution function by uniform spacing of observation amount within non-uniform bins.
The comparison of control points of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in the adaptation scheme and original scheme without nonlinear element have confirmed theoretical gain estimations. The paper contains the dependence graphs of non-gaussianity consideration gain. For example, SNR gain for one jammer case is approximately 16 dB with the 30 dB jammer-to-noise ratio. For two-jammer case, gain is about 8 dB.
Pages: 95-100
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