350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №4 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Some properties of second kind integral equations in the problems of electromagnetic fields diffraction
M.A. Buzova - Ph.D. (Eng.) scientist, leading researcher, JSC «Concern «Automation». E-mail: bma@oao-avtomatika.ru
Main properties of second kind integral equations means boundary condition for magnetic field tangential component are shown. The main properties of the second kind integral equations are: 1) the equation degenerates into a tautological equality in case of unlocked scatterer; 2) the value of the integral in equation at a singular point exists and can be calculated analytically; 3) the solution degenerates into physical optic solution in the case of an infinitely extended flat scatterers; 4) the ratio of the currents in the illuminated and shadow sides of the scatterer in the case of thin sheet scatterer uniquely determined by the values of the external magnetic field are also taken on respective sides of the scatterer. The above properties of the methods of the second kind integral equations and physical optics, on the one hand, impose substantial restrictions on the use of these methods, but on the other hand, a great opportunity for the construction of approximate the second kind integral equations and the novel current-based hybrid methods based on them.
Pages: 23-29
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