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Journal Radioengineering №11 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Adapting detector for air objects image of optical electronic device
strong signal
optic electronic system
equation of observation
criterion for detection
O.B. Guzenko, А.N. Каtulev, , А.А. Khramichev, M.I. Noniashvili
In this article adaptive detector is elaborated. In that detector method is realized for restoration of fulcrum signal and forming of statistics in the form of maximum latent root of choice correlation matrix for optimal according to criterion Neyman-Pirson-s detector of plane apparatuses by optical electronic device which is functioning in various conditions. In method only information of image is used. In this article estimations for detector quality indexes of airplane at image are obtained.
Detector quality indexes are probability of correct aircraft detection in separate image and false alarm probability. Estimations for indexes by method of mathematical modeling of algorithm for detection aircraft are stated for various conditions, which in process of experimental works and real function of optical electronic device were revealed. Adapting detector ensures improvement high probability of correct detection of aircraft by successive from 3-4 images of optical electronic device, which functions in complicated conditions. Such choice is resample so far as it at interval of time 0,03-0,04s is taken when airplane is «immovable radiator». False alarm probability for various conditions was assumed 0,15. Suggested adapting detector is using for decision of problems of detection airplane at images of optical electronic device functioning in various ranges of optical range lengths waves.
Pages: 50-58
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