350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №7 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
The Algorithms of Joint Detection and Direction Finding in a Broad Band of Review
radio source
direction finding
joint detection and estimation
signal subspace
broad band of review irregularly included transmission lines
microwave resonators
ring resonators
M.E. Shevchenko
The paper is devoted to the joint detection and direction finding algorithms in a broad browse band at the three-element and seven-element array. The algorithms are developed on the basis of frequency selection methods and methods of signal and noise subspaces. The processing effects of actual signals by means of designed algorithms are reduced.
It is experimentally shown, that the algorithm with signal and noise subspaces selection at a seven-element array posses an advantage over algorithms at a three-element array in carrying out estimates under signals spectrums overlapping. Estimations spectrums of signals overlapping on frequency formed by joint detection and direction finding algorithm on signal and noise subspaces methods are indicated.
Pages: 71-77
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