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Journal Radioengineering №5 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Method of definition of coordinates of a trajectory of the flying machine with use of watching optical-electronic system
measurement of coordinates of the trajectory
watching optical-electronic system
Kalman-Bucy filter
A.A. Dontsov, I.I. Chernuho
The method of definition of coordinates of a trajectory of the flying machine on which board the measuring complex including in the structure optical-electronic system with the automatic machine of support of land objects-targets and a laser range finder, GPS the receiver and the gage of angular spatial position of the flying machine is placed is offered. The method provides registration of corners of a deviation of a watching drive of optical-electronic system during flight, current range to the land object-target which coordinates are known, height and angular spatial position of the flying machine and the subsequent joint processing of results of registration according to the set algorithm with a view of increase of accuracy of definition of a site.
With use of the device of the theory of an optimum nonlinear filtration the algorithm is developed for realization of the offered method. The method of mathematical modeling spends an estimation of working capacity of the synthesized algorithm and a comparative estimation of errors of measurements of coordinates of a trajectory of the flying machine with use of an offered method, methods of direct measurements, the least squares and a sliding average.
It is shown that use of the developed algorithm will allow to provide definition of coordinates of a trajectory of the flying machine with a margin error (probability 0,95) 9-12 meter. At the same time at calculation of coordinates of a trajectory by results of direct measurements standard deviation of an error of definition of coordinates of a trajectory make 40 - 175 meter in a range of change standard deviation of errors of measurement of corners of orientation of the flying machine from 0,1 degree to 2 degree. It is established that the estimation of coordinates of a trajectory a method of a sliding average yields more exact results in comparison with an estimation a method of the least squares (standard deviation errors of definition of coordinates of 15 m and 20 m accordingly).
The developed method of definition of coordinates of a trajectory of the flying machine and algorithm of its realization can be recommended for practical application at carrying out of experiments with use of an aviation measuring complex in areas of the ranges which have been not equipped with means high-precision air targets tracking.
Pages: 65-69
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