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Journal Radioengineering №3 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
System for Control of Forming Nonuniform 3D-Magnetotherapy Influence and Measurement of their Biotropic Parameters
three-componental former of the magnetic field
adjustable biotropic parameters
heterogeneity of a magnetic field
measurement and the control of characteristics of medical influence
S.G. Gurzhin, M.B. Kaplan, N.S. Kharlamova
Magnetic field (MF) as the medical factor, is today one of the most "flexible" nonivasive influence on an organism of the patient which possesses the greatest number biotropic parameters in comparison with applied in physiotherapy. It is impossible without development and realization of the means, capable to form the further researches of physical and curative properties of MF, creation and development of effective techniques and devices of a magnetotherapy MF, to regulate and measure set of their parameters with high accuracy and resolution.
In article the theoretical and practical questions connected with creation of hardware-software system, intended for formation various on a configuration 3D-magnetic fields for physiotherapy, with ample opportunities of control of many them biotropic parameters and possessing the set degree of nonuniform are considered. As a basic element of system three coordinate radiator of MF of an original design is offered vector-operated. Features of system are: its realization on the basis of a personal computer and a multipurpose payment of data gathering (NI PCIe 6321), presence of three power sources of currents independent by way of control, the shaper full vector MF and the three-componental measuring converter of a magnetic induction. The software of system realized in the form of the virtual device, providing display in real time both set parameters of MF, and signals of actually proceeding currents in the coil of inductance is original also.
Use of the developed system at designing means and techniques of a magnetotherapy will essentially raise their efficiency.
Pages: 152-156
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