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Journal Radioengineering №3 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
System of Chronomagnetotherapeutic Array with 3D-Control
magneto therapeutic array
spatial organization
storage and encoding method
spatial form
adaptation method
V.I. Zhulev, S.G. Gurzhin, V.G. Krjakov, E.M. Proshin, E.O. Putilin, V.M. Sahibgareev, N.S. Kharlamova
The direction of complex chronomagnetotherapy is determined by forming automatic concordance of frequency-temporal parameters of magnetotherapeutic influence with chronodiagnostic patient parameters. Further development of this direction is represented by chronomagnetotherapeutic array formed on the basis of array made of multiple cells-modules with 3D-control of magnetic field by each cell.
The article describes the options to form chronomagnetotherapeutic arrays allowing to increase variations of medical treatments in combination of local methods with general and thus to focus or distribute magnetotherapeutic influence in a given area. The principle to build cell-module with 3-D control as a radiator and also the scheme to its control is shown. As an analytic description of chronotherapy biotropy with 3-D control locus of magnetic field vector dynamics is used.
Chronodiagnostic patient parameters during magnetotherapy session are gathered with the help of special system of remote contactless scanning of functional state applying the principle of ultrasound pulses. Adaptation of magnetotherapeutic influence to chronodiagnostic parameters is realized on the basis of synchronization and integrative feedback.
Pages: 139-147
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