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Journal Radioengineering №3 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Instrumental Errors of Complex Pulse Signal Spectrum Transformation
message signals
discrete counts
complex pulse signals
spectrum transformation
transformation errors
G.I. Nechaev, O.V. Melnik, A.A. Mikheev
During messages signals discrete counts transmission it is required to solve the number of tasks connected to the concordance of frequency band taken by a signal with the frequency communication bandwidth and with the presence of intermodulation distortions. The solution of these tasks without advanced requirements to the performance of devices forming and transmitting signal counts is possible due to transformation of transmitted counts spectra which means suppression of given spectrum zones.
Transformation of message signal counts succession (initial counts succession) is achieved due to representing each of them as a count group where each count is taken with its own scale gain. Such count groups form complex pulse signals (CPS). Principles of complex pulse signals formation are described. Examples of temporal form of complex pulse signal representation and corresponding spectrum with suppressed spectrum zones are given.
Deviation during CPS scale gains realization from calculated value leads to the error during transformation of initial count succession spectrum which can be presented as two constituents: the change of constituents amplitudes of spectrum zone containing message signal and difference from amplitudes zero of suppressed spectrum zones constituents.
Generalized description of these error constituents and their estimation for the cases when message signal constituents are situated in zero spectrum zone and in k spectrum zone is given.
CPS formation with the parameters which suppress given spectrum zones is shown to be possible, and message signal representation error caused by inaccuracy of scale gains is not accumulated but tends to the error of single scale gain.
Pages: 123-128
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