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Journal Radioengineering №3 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Some Aspects of Decision-Making Support Systems Construction for Efficient Commodity Stocks Control
decision-making support systems
cognitive maps
indistinct logic
commodity stocks management
A.N. Pylkin, A.V. Kroshilin, S.V. Kroshilina
The problem of application of modern information technology for automatic processing of great volumes of statistical information also with the aim to receive new knowledge is very actual nowadays. The usage of decision-making support systems for the decision of bulky, difficult to be formalized problems in various subject domains are characterized, as a rule, by absence or complexity of formal decision algorithms, incompleteness and illegibility of initial information, illegibility of purposes achieved, and also complexity of finding compromise solution in cases of initial problem unsolvability. The effective decision of this problem is to use intuition of the person making the decision, opinions of experts and analysts in combination with modern technologies of intellectual decision-making support using the theory of indistinct sets. Underlying scientific direction of commodity stocks optimum control problems research is the methodology of cognitive analysis the effective tool of which are cognitive maps.
In the given work methods of theory of systems, system analysis, mathematical modeling, theory of indistinct sets, theories of cognitive analysis, imitating modeling, methods of group decision-making, theory of counts, linear programming are used.
Pages: 103-108
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