350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №5 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Determination of Objects Movement Parameters by the Image Based on the Interframe Differences of Frequency Response
Bogoslovskiy, A.V., Zhigulina, I. V., Kopylov, O. E., Yakovlev, V.A.
A problem of image preliminary processing filters aperture determination at objects separation by Viener  Hopf filtration is considered in the article. There is acquired the expression for processing efficiency in the form of a filter pulse characteristic vectors scalar product and etalon features. This enabled to represent processing efficiency as a quadric form depending on processed image properties and an object being separated. It is shown that for the best separation of an object which can be inserted in a rectangle of a m×n size it is necessary to apply a filter with an (2m+1)×(2n+1) aperture. Results of test images processing are adduced.
Pages: 51-54
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