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Journal Radioengineering №2 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Statistical Model of the Integral Microcircuits Damage by RF Pulses
A.V. Klyuchnik, A.V. Solodov
The susceptibility of electronic components (such as IC, diodes) under electromagnetic radiation (EMR) are determined by the radiation intensity, pulse duration and repetition pulse rate F. The failure effects in a mono-pulse mode of irradiation are well explained by the heat theory. Much less information is available for failure effects in multi-pulse irradiation mode.
A lot of experiments give that the power of electronic components damage as well as probability of components failure depend on the repetition rate even for F < 1 kHz, when the heat doesn-t accumulate from pulse to pulse. In this case the experiments cannot be explained by the heat theory only. Furthermore these experiments indicate on statistical nature of the components failure.
In the present work the statistical model of defects accumulation under the pulse burst is presented. We suppose that a RF pulse of sufficiently high power forms defect. Parameters of electronic component (such as noise factor or differential conductivity for diodes) during the irradiation are degraded. The accumulation of defects from pulse to pulse in the burst causes the electronics component failure. According to Arrhenius theory the degradation rate is proportional to exp(-Ea/(kT)), where Ea is activation energy, T is temperature. The temperature T may be determined in the framework of heat theory. We assume that the fluctuation of the activation energy Ea define the failure probability.
To account for failure phenomena we introduce parameter p which is responsible for components quality. For instance, it may be the diode conductivity at the working point. The electronic component damage occurred when p becomes more then some critical value. The kinetic equation for parameter p is received and analyzed in presented work. The probability of electronic component damage is obtained as a function of the pulse power, pulse number and pulse repetition rate.
Pages: 37-42
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